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BVCM provides solutions in

Purchase Order e-Invoicing Print & Post Financial Marketplace Online & Alternative Payments Cash Application Collection & Issue Management Debt Recovery & Bailiffs Business Intelligence pays off Purchase Order e-Invoicing Print & Post Financial Marketplace Online & Alternative Payments Cash Application Collection & Issue Management Debt Recovery & Bailiffs Business Intelligence pays off OTC Policy Scan Customer Assessments / Credit Checks Credit Insurance Secure Digital Document Sign Direct Debit (SEPA eMandates) BPO Secondment Data-Driven Platform Powered by AI
Purchase Ordere-InvoicingPrint & PostFinancial marketplaceOnline & alternative paymentsCash ApplicationCollection & issue managementDebt recovery & bailiffsSecure Digital Document SignDirect debit (SEPA eMandates)Business IntelligenceOTC Policy ScanCustomer assessments/ credit checksCredit Insurance
BVCM, it pays off! Expertise in Credit Management for optimal cash flow
Heineken_logo.svg Randstad_Logo Talpa_Network_logo Atlas-Copco-Logo.svgcopy Capgemini caru FLT_BIG-32c16710 bastion-hotelsslogan_blauw-8000x2052px Securitas Logo Canva No BG Hello Fresh (1) Fletcher Sligro National pens Jungheinrich Destil Drukwerkdeal The linde group Xerox Pontmeyer (2)

The Order to Cash platform

At BVCM, we provide innovative Order to Cash solutions that help businesses improve cash flow, manage risk, and strengthen customer relationships. Find out in this video how BVCM can support you in every step of the Order-to-Cash process, so you can fully focus on growth and success.

Our References

Meet some of our trusted clients

Forward-thinking organizations and financial services companies rely on BVCM to streamline, secure and optimize their order-to-cash processes. Discover below how our solutions help companies improve their financial workflows and achieve results!

Heineken_logo.svg Talpa_Network_logo EY_logo_2019.svg DMG hellofresh logo image11 fletcher image Capgemini_201x_logo-1 Randstad_Logo sligro-logo National pen

How BVCM helped Heineken and Sligro with an efficient ordering and billing system for its customers!

"Mark Stevens, stressed, "The strong work process ensures that customers pay on time and our cash flow remains optimal."


With Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), we take all your credit management processes off your hands.

Read more


With debt collection from BVCM, you limit the financial risks within your accounts receivable management.

Read more


Looking for expert credit management experts? We would be happy to help.

Read more

Frequently Asked Questions

I have contacted BVCM by e-mail/mail, but I have not received a response, what now?
It may happen that your letter or e-mail does not arrive. To be sure that we have received your letter, you can always contact us.
How can I contact BVCM?
BVCM can be reached in several ways. Please always have your case/reference number ready, or mention this in your e-mail/letter.

By phone:
On working days BVCM is reachable between 09:00 and 17:30 on +31 (0)20 346 07 46. You can always send us a fax to +31 (0)20 346 07 43. Please always mention your case or reference number.

U can contact us per email using the following email address: We strive to answer your email within 3 working days. Please note that complex inquiries can require a longer response time.

Postal address:
You can send your letters to:

Postbus 12347
1101AH Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Company info:
Hessenbergweg 83
1101CX Amsterdam
The Netherlands
KVK(Chamber of Commerce)number: 342779340000
VAT number: 8182.02.579.B.01
IBAN-number: NL17ABNA0624668517
T.n.v: Stichting Derdengelden BVCM B.V.
Do you have a comment or suggestion?
We are always open to suggestions or comments that can help us improve our services. You can send your remark or suggestion to


I have a non-paying customer, can I handover the claim to you?
Absolutely, after you have sent your client a formal notice of the outstanding debt we can start our collection process
How can I handover my claim?
You can use the digital form on our website. When requested we can provide you with our digital import mask, this import mask makes a connection between Excel and our collection system.
What does BVCM need to start a collection procedure?
We would like to receive a copy of the open invoice, order confirmation or the contract and general terms and conditions. Furthermore, we would like to receive any available correspondence with the debtor.
What costs will BVCM add to the claim?
BVCM will add the costs as divined in your general terms and conditions. If you don’t have any pre-established costs we add the costs that are pre-determined by the legislator. 
What does BVCM do after I handed over my claim?
BVCM process your claim on the day it is handed over and sends a notice to the debtor. Within 24 hours your debtor is contacted by phone
I have not sent a notice to the debtor, can I hand over the claim to BVCM?
No, you must have sent a notice of default to the debtor we can start out collection process.
Does BVCM have any quality label?
Yes, BVCM has the NVI quality label, NVI is the only collection quality label in the Netherlands.
Can you take over my complete dunning process?
Yes, we will collect the outstanding balance on your organization's behalf both in writing as by phone. Your debtor will never notice that you have handed this over to us.
How does BVCM work?
We work on a no cure no pay base. This means we don’t charge you any costs in the amicable process when the debtor pays neither you or us. 
When will I be notified about the progress?
BVCM works with personal account managers, your account manager will contact you when there is any progress.
Are there any hidden costs within your service?
No, we work on a no cure no pay basis. If we do not succeed we take on the complete risk.
How can I track and follow my current debt collection files?

You are able to log in to our online customer portal 24/7. All updates are available there and you can easily download a monthly collection report.

Will I have one contact person?

Yes, you will have just one contact person at BVCM. After we start our collection proceedings your account manager will contact you to introduce him/herself. 

I have a non-paying consumer, can I hand this over to you as well?

Of course, this is possible. Before you hand over the collection case of a consumer you need to send them a final notice (WIK letter) in which you give the debtor the opportunity to pay the demand without any extra costs.

How long does the collection process take?

Under normal circumstances, we strive to have a conclusive result in 6 weeks.

Is it possible for BVCM to start legal proceedings?
Yes, BVCM has its own legal department that can start and monitor legal procedures.
I have a claim outside the Netherlands, can I hand this over to BVCM?

Yes, BVCM works both national and international

I am not sure if I should hand over my claim, what should I do?

If you are not sure you can always contact us, we will then give you an advice without any obligations. 

The debtor quickly pays after handing over the claim, what should I do?

You will notify your account manager form the collections department after which BVCM sends a letter for the remaining interest and collections fees.

Am I bounded to a contract with a yearly fee when I do business with BVCM?

No, BVCM works on a no cure no pay basis. If you do not hand over any cases you are not obliged to anything

How can I submit a debit file?

You can submit a collection order online at BVCM through the order form which can be found here: LINK. You can also submit the collection order by email, hereby submit the debtor data and the outstanding invoices. BVCM will confirm the receipt of your collection order and your debtor will be approached the same day, to pay as soon as possible.

I received a notice from BVCM, what should I do?

If you received a notice from BVCM we have sent this by order of a creditor. To prevent a legal procedure we highly recommend you to pay as soon as possible, preferably before the expiration date of the letter. We offer you the ability to pay de demand in several easy, and safe ways.

What is no cure no pay?

BVCM works in the amicable collection process based on a No Cure No Pay principle. This means that you do not have to pay any costs for the service if it turns out that in the event of a lack of redress that the claim cannot be collected. We will recover the cost incurred to collect your claim from your debtor through the collection costs. 

How can I pay?

BVCM offers multiple different payment solutions. Below you can find the available payment possibilities. 

You can transfer the outstanding amount (under the reference of your case number) to the bank account of BVCM. Please refer to the payment details below:
IBAN: NL17ABNA0624668517
ATTN: Stichting Derdengelden BVCM B.V.
You can pay BVCM through iDeal in several ways. You can use the iDeal link in the notice you have received or via the iDeal form on our website. In case you prefer receiving an iDeal link by e-mail or text message please call us.
GWK Travelex:
You can pay the open amount in a GWK office either by cash or card. GWK Travelex has 51 offices throughout the Netherlands, mainly located on the bigger train stations and city centers. Find an office near you on:

NOTE: You always have to do payments yourself. We do not withdraw fund from your account.

What should I do if I really cannot pay?

If you are not in the financial situation to pay the demand at once you can request a payment plan. Instruction on how to request this can be found below.
If you have structural financial problems we advise you to contact a debt counselor. We advise you to visit this website: (Dutch). This website provides information about debts, how you can resolve this on your own and organizations that can help and assist you getting out of your debts.

​What is the difference between a collection agency and a bailiff?

BVCM tries to collect an invoice on your behalf, without any legal proceedings being involved. This process is also called the amicable collection process. BVCM strives to collect all collection files in the amicable process. Should it eventually turn out that a legal procedure is required for the collection of your claim, you are still at the right address at BVCM.

I want a payment plan, how should I go about this?

If you are not able to pay the demand at once it is, under strict conditions, possible to make a payment plan. The amount of installments depends on the outstanding amount and your financial situation. Contact BVCM by phone or email to discuss the possibilities, together with you we will then look for a suitable solution. After an agreement has been reached, we will send you a confirmation of the payment plan by e-mail or post.
NOTE: The terms of payment plan are set up under strict conditions. If BVCM does not receive the payment then the payment plan will be canceled. 

I want to know the current outstanding amount of the claim

If you want to know what the current outstanding claim is you can always contact BVCM by phone, e-mail or post. We kindly ask you to always have your case number ready while contacting our office.

What happens if I don’t pay?
If you refuse to pay after multiple notices from BVCM, then we reserve the rights to start the legal procedure on behalf of our client. If you receive a subpoena, and the court comes to a verdict that you need to pay, it is most likely that you are being charged with the legal fees. If no payment occurs after the notification of judgment we can requisition your salary, bank accounts or assets. We strive to prevent a legal procedure, unfortunately, there are cases in which this situation is impossible to avoid.   



I have paid to BVCM but I am receiving a notice again

There is a possibility that you have fulfilled your payment whilst the notice has already been sent to you. It is also possible that you only paid a part of the demand. To check if BVCM received your payment you can get in touch with us.  

I have paid to BVCM's client already and now I am receiving a notice, what should I do?

It is possible that handing over the demand and your payment to our client have crossed each other. If you send a proof of payment we will investigate what happened to the payment. You can send the proof of payment to BVCM by email.

I disagree with the notice BVCM is sending, what should I do?
If you disagree with the notice or the demand we ask you to send us your defense, including supporting documents, by email or post.
We kindly ask you to include the following:
- Name and address
- Case number
- Reason why you disagree
- Supporting documents to support your claim. E.g. proof of payment, proof of cancellation.
On behalf of who is BVCM sending me a demand?

We work for a wide variety of (inter)national clients. Our letters always contain the name of our client.

How long does it take before BVCM has received my payment?

This is depends on how you have done your payment. Generally speaking, your payment is processed within two working days. However, international transfers might take up more time. If you have doubts about your payment please contact us.

I received a notice that was not intended for me, what should I do?
If you receive a letter or e-mail from BVCM that is not meant for you we kindly ask you to return it to the sender. If you happen to know what the correct address is please mention this on the envelope. You can also notify BVCM by email about incorrect addresses.
Where can I find more information about debt counseling, WSNP or bankruptcy?
More information regarding this subject can be found on (Dutch): 
​Why do I get a draft summons?
You have received a draft summons because we will initiate legal proceedings against you on behalf of our client. With this letter, we offer you the last opportunity to pay the claim extrajudicially. If you do not respond to this, we are unfortunately obliged to start the legal procedure. The costs for the procedure will be for your account after an awarding decision by the court.
There are collection costs that are charged over the principal sum, how does this work?
The amount in our notice is the amount you have to pay to BVCM. This amount includes the principal sum, legal interest and collection fees. The amount of collection costs differs between private persons and business.
Private person:
As of the 1st of July 2012, the collection costs are determined by law. The law provides a percentage scale for determining the collection fees. This percentage is based on the principial amount.

Scale of collection fees:
Principle amount up to €2500 15% with a minimum of €40
The next €2 500      10%
The next €5 000  5%
The next €190 000  1%
Everything above  0.5% with a maximum of € 6.775,00

For Business:
For the calculation of the extrajudicial collection costs of companies, the general terms and conditions of the creditor are decisive for the amount of the collection costs. Usually, a percentage of 15% with a minimum of € 75.00 is used. If nothing is laid down in the general terms and conditions about the amount of the collection costs, the collection costs will be calculated in accordance with the Direct Debit Act.
How does the collection procedure work through the courts?
If the debtor has not paid, after several notices, BVCM reserves the rights to start legal proceedings. Below you find the explanation of that procedure.



The collection procedure starts with a subpoena. A subpoena is an official legal document in which your debtor (in legal jargon “defendant”) can see what the demand is and when they have to appear in court in front of a judge. The subpoena has to be served to the defendant by a bailiff.


Statement of reply

In the subpoena, a time and date will be recorded (also known as docketed hearing date). The defendant can decide to respond (immediately or request to postpone) to the subpoena before the docketed hearing date. The response from the defendant on the subpoena is called 'statement of reply. In the statement of reply, the defendant can bring their defense on the claim forward. The defendant can do this verbally during the hearing. If the defendant decides on a verbal defense, then the defense is made official and a procès-verbal will be written, of which the plaintiff receives a transcript. 

In practice, a transcript of the statement of reply will be handed in. - This is, in essence, a written response from the defendant on a claim as described in the subpoena. A situation can arise that a defendant feels that they also have the right to put down a claim on you. This is called a counterclaim. The judge will make a verdict in one case for both disputes.    

Judgement in absentia
If the defendant fails to show up at the hearing or send in a written response, then the judge will issue a judgement in absentia within a certain period. In the judgement in absentia, the judge will assign the claim to the plaintiff. Up until the moment of the judgement in absentia, the defendant has the opportunity to respond to the subpoena. This is called 'to cure a default'. This procedure will then proceed. It is also possible that the defendant will counter the judgement in absentia. The defendant has to send a resistance subpoena to the plaintiff through a bailiff. This subpoena will be recognized as the statement of reply and the procedure will be continued.

Reply to defense/rejoinder/ appearance of the parties
If the defendant has a statement of reply (in other words: they responded verbally or in written form), then the procedure can continue in the following options described below. The judge decides which option is going to be used to continue. Following this decision, the procedure will continue in written form. You, as a plaintiff, can respond to the statement of reply in written form. This is called a 'reply to defense'. After this 'reply to defense' the defendant can decide to respond in written form. This is called a 'rejoinder'. The judge will study these pieces and will make a notification whether it is enough information for the case to come to a verdict or if he is going send a request to both parties to explain their case. What follows is an 'appearance of parties'. This is a hearing in which both parties have to appear in front of the judge to explain their case further or come to a settlement. If parties come to a settlement, then this is going to be written in a procès-verbal. If the agreements made are not fulfilled by either party, the report will have the same effect (the same weight) as a judgment. If a settlement is not being reached then the judge will make a verdict. In many cases, this will be the final verdict, but an interlocutory is within the possibilities. In an interlocutory, a judge can, for example, ask for more evidence. After the execution of delivering the evidence, the judge will decide upon the final verdict.  

Final verdict
At the end of the procedure, the judge will reach a conclusion. This conclusion will be recorded in the final verdict. The verdict will be sent in writing to both parties, so you don't have to show up in court again. 

Should one of the parties disagree with the final judgement, then that party can appeal to the council against the decision of the judge. Appealing to the council is only possible if the claim is higher than €1.750. An appeal can only be applied for within three months after the judge made the final verdict. According to the law, the appeal can only be handled by a lawyer. 
How long does a legal procedure take?
The time it takes to go through the legal procedures is dependent on different factors. A complex case will take up much more time than a procedure in which the defendant is not responding to the subpoena.
Can I start legal proceedings on my own or do I need a lawyer?

If the demand is lower than €25.000 you are not required to have a lawyer, you could, therefore, try to do the litigation yourself. However, it is usually advised to hire a specialist for these cases. The legal experts of BVCM are always ready to assist you in getting a positive result in the proceedings.

Can I recover all legal costs from the debtor?

The answer to that is 'no'. It is a misunderstanding that the winning party can fully put the actual costs of the proceedings to the losing party. In the Netherlands, the winning party is only awarded a part of the litigation costs and can only try to recover that part from the losing party.
The legal costs usually consist of court fees, bailiff's fees and a contribution towards the costs of your jurist (or lawyer). The amount that the judge will allocate depends on the type of case, the number of procedural actions and the court where the case is served. The process costs are determined on the basis of a 'lump sum system'. These amounts are almost always (much) lower than the actual costs you incurred.
Furthermore, it regularly occurs that the court decides that each party must bear its own costs. This is also customary when making settlements.

​Will I receive my money immediately after a final award has been issued?

After the judge has pronounced a final award, the losing party must comply as soon as possible with what has been determined in the judgment. If the losing party does not comply with this, the verdict will be forwarded to the bailiff. The bailiff can ensure that the losing party does what the judge has decided. The bailiff can make use of various means for this, such as seizure of wages and (un) movable property.

The costs of the bailiff are recovered from the defendant as much as possible. Does the defendant have no recourse (so they have no or little income, no valuables, if they are in the debt repayment or have they been declared bankrupt) then the costs of the proceedings and bailiffs are charged to the plaintiff. Even after a final verdict, it can, therefore, unfortunately, take some time before you receive your money.

What if my debtor can not pay?

The judgment has been rendered, but the bailiff has failed to collect the claim because your debtor at that time, for example, has disappeared or has no recourse (cannot pay).

Fortunately, a sentence remains valid 20 years after the date of the judgment. The situation of your debtor can of course change during those years. BVCM, therefore, offers the so-called storage service for this type of business. The case is then monitored and executed at the moment that your debtor reappears, has a job, buys a car, et cetera. This service will give your uncollected case a second chance and you can be sure that your debtor - for which you have already spent so much money - will be exerted pressure for years to pay.

Can every ERP package be linked to Electronic Invoicing?
Yes, so far we have connected 700 different accounting packages. Are you in doubt whether a link with your package is possible? Send an email to We are happy to help you.
​Within how much time can I start with Electronic Invoicing?

You can invoice electronically within 2 weeks worldwide. During that time we will realize the link with your accounting package and the platform has been set up according to your wishes and requirements.

What advantages does this SaaS solution offer for my IT environment?

The biggest advantage is that all updates and maintenance are performed for you. This saves you valuable work time (less FTE).

I have clients at home and abroad. How are my invoices sent?

Your invoices are drawn up in accordance with the laws and regulations that apply in the country where your debtor resides or is established.

​How many ICT-hours does it take to get started with Electronic Invoicing?

Your ICT employee only needs to offer us the opportunity to make the link to your accounting package. Besides that, you do not have to do anything. A maximum of 1 hour is required for this.

Can I also log in abroad?
You can log in at any time, anywhere in the world. All you need is a browser and an internet connection.


​How can I track my invoices?

You can track your invoices but also issue management & BI reports.

Can I bill care free with electronic invoicing via various platforms from providers such as Basware, Zoomit, etc.?

Yes absolutely. And in the event of changes, we will make the necessary adjustments for you. BVCM fully unburdens you in your billing process.

If a new platform provider is added, what are the costs?

None. We ensure that all your customers are billed in the way they want.

I now send all my invoices as a pdf. That is also electronic invoicing, right?

That is incorrect. Sending invoices as PDF is digital invoicing which is also a possibility. Electronic Invoicing from BVCM offers many more delivery options. It allows you to send all your invoices according to the wishes of your customers, whether as XML or PDF, via scan & recognition or through a billing platform (such as Basware and Zoomit). Moreover, a PDF is not the safest format: the content can be tampered with and there is a lack of options to put an electronic (coded) signature on it, which guarantees the accuracy of the information.    

Can I also send a payment link?

Yes, that's possible. You can even differentiate the payment link to customer type.

Can I also send a payment link to my international customers?

Yes, we provide local payment options in as many as 120 countries.

Does my customer / debtor have to log in on the platform?

No, that is not necessary. The customer receives his invoice where and how he wants to receive it.

​Can my debtor also receive the invoice on paper?

All delivery preferences for your debtor are possible, including the paper version.


Will my ERP/Accounting package/process be leading?

You do not have to worry that you need to adjust your accounting package or process to use BVCM's Electronic Billing. Your personal information, process, and accounting software continue to prevail. You can also decide for yourself in what way you will use Electronic Invoicing: only for the electronic transmission of invoices or also for monitoring of invoices, reports, complaints and so on.

​My client wants an attachment, is that possible?

The link between your environment and Electronic Invoicing is structured so that attachments are always automatically sent to the debtor.

We want to invoice for all operating companies of the holding from one environment, is that possible?

Electronic Invoicing offers the possibility to invoice from one platform on behalf of different subsidiaries. You can send the invoices in the own corporate identity of each operating company so that the individual look-and-feel is maintained.

​Can my debtor indicate issues via the invoice?

Yes, and this issue is then offered in a way and where you want to receive it (CRM, ERP, e-mail, etc.).

​Which archiving period does BVCM use?

We keep your invoices plus attachments for at least 7 years. This is set in Dutch law.

Can my debtor indicate how they want to receive the invoice?

Yes, your customer can indicate their preferences via their account. You can do this yourself or have it done by the support department. Just what you prefer.

​Can my debtor file a complaint?

Yes, your customer can submit a complaint through their account. You can decide how and where you receive these complaints (in your CRM or ERP system, via e-mail, etc.).

Where can I leave my data?

Through the registration form, you can leave your motivation, details and CV with us. As soon as we have a suitable job/assignment for you, we will contact you.

Is the job that I see on your website still vacant?

We remove filled vacancies directly from our website, so you can be sure that the job is vacant as long as it is shown on our website.

I see your vacancy online, but not on your website. What does this mean?

Our vacancies are automatically placed on 'various jobs' board. It may happen that the job board is not completely up-to-date. If the vacancy is no longer on our website, you can assume that it is no longer vacant.

I am a freelancer, do you have an assignment for me?

You can also register via the registration form as a freelancer. We then place your details in our system, so that we can make the match between assignment and freelancer. You can call us for more information about assignments via +31(0)20-3460746

How do I apply?

In the posted vacancy find the 'Join our team' button. Here you can fill in your details and upload your CV. Once you have filled in your details and have uploaded the resume, click on 'send' and we will receive the information in our system. You will receive an e-mail.

What happens after I have applied?
After you have sent your application, you will receive a receipt by mail. We strive to inform you within two weeks by telephone or e-mail about the status of your application. This may be in the form of a rejection or in the form of an invitation to meet us.
Can I come by for an intake interview?

We only invite you to an intake interview when we see a match between a vacancy and an applicant. You can leave your details with us via the registration button. This way we have your data in our system, so that we can take you into the filling of current and future vacancies.

I am looking for a permanent job, are you looking for me?

Our starting point is a vacancy for our clients. On this basis, we will search for the suitable candidate. If you meet the wishes of our client, we will contact you.

Do you want to file a complaint?

BVCM Collections B.V. takes any expression of dissatisfaction or dissatisfaction with our organization, its products, and employees seriously and considers this a potential complaint. If you have a complaint, you can notify us online, by email, or by post.

BVCM Collections B.V. contact details
BVCM Collections B.V. 
t.a.v. Afdeling klachten
Postbus 12347
1100 AH Amsterdam

Always include your details (name, address, email address, telephone number, and if known, a file number) with your complaint. We also appreciate a brief explanation of your complaint.

BVCM Collections B.V. is a member of the Dutch Association of Debt Collection Agencies (NVI) and uses the complaint's procedure following the rules of conduct of the NVI. If you are not satisfied with the handling of your complaint, you can contact Kifid. Kifid is an independent institute and handles complaints about the members of the NVI).

Kifid contact details:
Phone number: 070 - 333 8 999
Postbus 93257
2509 AG Den Haag

What happens to my complaint?

If your complaint has been received by BVCM, you will receive a message within two working days that your complaint has been processed. We strive to handle your complaint within a week. Keep in mind that we do not always achieve this ambition in complex cases.